Monday, October 12, 2009


Just so you know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I thought I would post. I have been super busy. First off I'm the treasurer for the PTA and that tends to take up some of my time, especially during tax time and fundraising. Add in all the school PTA and non PTA functions it can get hectic. **By the way, if you get those little fundraising pamphlets in your child's book bag please take the time to order even one little thing, here all our funds come from fundraising, we pay for all of the kids field trips, books for classrooms, Red Ribbon week festivities, Bike Rodeo, Fiesta events, and SOOO much more! We really couldn't do it with out the fundraising and the parents who help us out.** Plus it's birthday season, hunting season (not for me but the hubby), and with all the sickness that has been going around our house, I haven't crafted in a while. I'm hoping that will change soon! Today I'm getting all the laundry done so that I can get some much needed crafting in.

Well that's about it for me, I hear the dryer so it's time to fold and put up some laundry....if you want to help with the laundry feel free to stop by!


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